Wednesday, April 22, 2009


haven't updated for ages :( I've never been THAT lost in the whole history of me being at VCUQ :P...but it's okay, I'm trying to keep up! "just stay positive" as fatoom alremaihi says! :D

so today we went to AlDoha printing press...

we saw the whole process of printing a book, poster, bussiness cards ... etc

printing main stages:
pre-press (color proof..etc)
printing (films, plates...etc)
post-press (binding, stitching, uv, lamination...etc)

pictures are NOT in order!!!

from left: mold of an envelope (folding and cutting)>uv exposed to sensitive plate to transfer artwork from film to plate>film transfered to plate> guy showing us how the 70x100mm sheet works when printing>pre-press, color proofing.

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