Monday, March 9, 2009


Monday class with levi-

System- is a set of rules.that we need to follow in a way.Rules overlap and break each others.A goo
d system is kind of a balance between control and freedom.We can have different systems but we should have elements that link those systems together.

Catalogue-its a collection by
 different things that brought together.It basically to s
ell something ,it could be to sell a
n idea or a product.

First-Set a 
for example-

Quotes--->always start from the top

Content---> starts from the middle.

Second design a grid-

we can design
 more than o
ne grid like one for the type and
 another for the image.It depe
nds on how we relate those different g
rids to out s
ystem or concept.


we can play with one typeface and experiment with it.


each section 
could be treated differently by

but it shoul
d be somehow 

one color pallet (two or three)

Typeface- one type face
we can make it bold Italic or reg
ular.To show different ideas.Its
 more consistent to use one typeface but its up to us in the end.

Things that define our system-

-Road Marks:Li
ke a mark images-something th
at tells us that we are still in the 
same book.
-Land Marks:
-Section Markers:a mark that define each
 section like a symbol.

How to create a system from our ideas-

Concept--->spread it our to different p
Ways to apply different part of the concept to different aspects.
-Thick books--> for example give us the impression that the book is serious.


Structure of the content- 

How things are organized.
Is there sections or not..etc
the layout structure.

Type of contents-

*what kind of text--->Quotation

How the content deliver.


It could be deliver in many forms.

Different attributes-

             -->post cards


4-format of images-

-the content of the images
for example all of the images have people this is a one content.
images which has buildings is another content.

-Style of the photographs
The feel of the photographs.

could depend on images or typography.
the layout of the images for example.


Content of the type.


The feel of the type.

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