Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Catalogue response

Image 1-

1--This catalogue has a very organized system.The designer here organized all the images on the left side 
leaving the right side for the text and page numbers.The designer here used a grid to organized the catalogue and in my opinion I think that grid help a lot to organize information text and images.It helps to sort out a clear and successful layout.


this catalogue contains only two set of colors which are dark pink and greyscale. Those two colors work well with each others ,pink and red works well with black and white.Point in fact, its becoming clic
he. Designers mostly turn to black and red and their scales when they have difficulties in choosing the color and that might be the weakest point in this catalogue.I think that this catalogue would have turned much better if the designer tried different colors.It would have been more interesting and motivating.I like everything about this catalogue the organization the choice of images and the layout itself (but am not sure about the choice of color).If it was me I would have tried different colors.I believe that its really important to experiment with color and try new colors I did tried before.It help us learn and at the same time it help us to break apart from our fav. colors.

3-Text and images-

The designer here chooses very bold type face which i believe works with the choice of ima
ges.The images are very scientific very bold,it tells us about something that has to do with technology and science.Therefor, I think that the type face works just fine with the images.I think that the way the designer cropped the images is really interesting.The images are very alive its playful and creative.I also like the way the designer added colors to the images,its not just black and white it has shades of pink as well which is nice.

4-Transition-the designer linked the pages using organic forms and lines that link the follios together.I believe that transition is the most important part because without the audience would get c
onfused or lost.It tell us how the pages are related to each other and it keeps us on track.

5-Chapter and follio-the designer showed the chapters by number and I guess that every follio here represent a chapter like 01 chapter one and so on...The follios however are spread two half (like a small book)

analyze -

I believe that this catalogue has a system that hold all the elements I mentioned together.However the main purpose for this catalogue is for people to see and learn.It has a message for the audience.
Thid catalogue also has a front page and a back page which is also important in any catalogue its like a short definition to the catalogue itself.

Image 2-

1-Unlike the first catalogue,this catalogue is very pragmatic.It has a lot of information and text.This catalogue is for a board game and there for the first priority here was the text and informaion and then the images.

Tile-It has a centered title and a subtitle bellow it.
This catalogue is organized but somehow its very dead and boring.I think that this catalogue has a lot of text that when we read through it we get dizzy and confused.I believe the solution to that is to break the text into different parts with a title for each part like for example.

(bold point text)
how to play the game-
(bold point text)
and so on....

Couse its really confusing and boring this way.


the only color the designer used here was black and colored images.The audience of this catalogue are people who are interested to play this game and mostly they'll be teenagers and people who like fun.Therefor, the designer should have used more color otherwise the audience would get bored and wold even not read the catalogue itself.


I like how the designer cropped the images like the images of the baseball and how he/she joined the images to the text.I think that is really interesting and appealing.I also find the idea of using images of the board-game itself is claver because it keeps us on track and it tells us what's the game is really about.

4-I also find the idea of adding bars or key frames to the catalogue is working but its not aligned at all.In one page the keyframe is stretched to the end of the page and in the other place its cropped.I think the designer here should use one format and scale for the keyframe and place it to the different pages in the same placement.

I also find the ragging in the paragraphs interesting...its playful and at the same time appealing to the eyes. 

Image 3

This catalogue has a chaotic layout(playful and energetic) it has a little to do with organization somehow.

This is a spread from a health catalogue that I find really interesting.It has great graphic elements and choice of text.

1-Tile and text-

The title of this spread or page is focus and the designer represent the title in a very motivating way.inbetween each letter he place a dot     F.O.C.U.S and that to catch the audience attention.However the use of capital letters works as well,it makes a statement and it helps the audience to recognize the title between the other text.The faded text on the blue background is also working with the concept .Because it gives us the feeling of relaxing,working out.. etc
The designer here used two different typefaces one for the title and another for the text itself and i think that two typefaces are enough for one catalogue.We don't need more than that to represent our ideas.We can also represent different ideas by using the bold ,italaic,regular and by scaling and so on .


the color green represent life,health and movement so i find it really working with the concept.The color blue on the other hand might represent fresh air and life as well.I also like how the designer here mixed those two colors with white and grey it created an interesting combination of color.

3-As we can see the first priority in this catalogue is image,The catalogue focused in the images more than the text.Also the way the designer cropped the images and placed them in the spread is playful and motivating.It shows us movement LIFE.It tells us something about sport....

Transition and layout-

The designer here split the spread into three columns and he joined those columns by using images and text and that really important.Columns or spreads should be joined somehow otherwise it would look unrelated and pointless.The images in this catalogue is realistic and I believe that its a god choice for the concept itself.The images shows healthy sporty people.It like an encouragement for the audience-like do what we tell you and you will look like the girl in this images.It works-I Can get the msg by looking at the images..The images is very appealing and clear.

The idea od overlapping doesn't work all the time but here I find it working.The way the designer over lapped text and images is creative and nice.It is playful and energetic at the same times. -Energetic represent SPORT. 

The lifestyle here is sporty people-and the images and text relate to the lifestyle.

In this response I talked about different style,shape and idea of catalogues.I studied those catalogue deeply and analyzed them as well.I believe that the response I did covers everything about the following catalogues.I tried to talk about the elements we discuss in class and system itself.As you can see every catalogue of those three has a complete different system and layouts and that depends ON THE CONCEPT.We have to figure out our concept first and then think about the layout.As soon as we figure out what our system is really about everything else would follow along easily.I also learned from this catalogue how to organize images and text,Hyrachy and transitions.  

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